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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No Name !! 无题 !!

Last day , when i discuss assignment with friends , suddenly i think it , the day we will study 2gether are not much oledy , can say still haf 7 week , but actually just haf 35 days we can meet oledy . Not more than 2 month . Although we are not graduate , but next sem is our last sem , we no need go for study ,all frens will do their final year project at their home , so we no more tiem to meet , so now , i veli cherish to my frens , hope can get a good and sweet memory .


vertexdesign said...

朋友的友情 = 美好的回忆 = 想念的日子 = 依依不舍 = 痛苦的时刻 = 不相分离


winNie said...


Anonymous said...

pls translate in eng lo.. b4 dat mention wan write eng version wo.. tuii.. hahaha..
yaya.. so touch lo..
so dat y v muz appreciate wat we done and been through everything 2gether..
ya, duckie forever! hehehe..
i oso worry bout the time.. time pass so fast, everything oso will happen n change.. so miss our sweet moment.. hehe.. so keep in touch ya.. ^_^


mr D

vertexdesign said...


winNie said...

mr D = kepoh = 3rd duck
his tuii sound like diu, wakaka~~!!
3rd duck, don worry, i'll not forget u de! the most kepoh duck among us, hoho~~
2nd duck, he warn u, don let u blog in chinese wo, got ppl like this geh meh!
loong, don bother him, i like chinese =p

Dragon said...

haha!! anywhere , i also wun forget our duck duck family d ...
and i will write in chinese and english the . if i can do it lar !!!haha!!!!

Anonymous said...

你 们 时 常 在 这 里 聊 天 ,
都 不 知 道 有 没 有 说 我 的 坏 话 。
真 的 只 有 35天 咩 ?
酱 少 罢 了 咩 ?
无 论 我 们 大 家 以 后 会 怎 么 样 ,
珍 惜 现 在 是 最 重 要 的 。
最 好 大 家 还 是 住 在 GENTING KELANG。
得 空 出 来 喝 喝 茶 , 看 看 戏 , 唱 下 K, CLUB 下 BING。
得 空 来 一 个 REDANG TRIP, 然 后 再 来 一 个 831。
生 活 还 是 一 样 酱 开 心 的 过 !

讲 是 这 样 讲 , 我 想 最 后 上 课 的 那 一 天 , 我 会 哭 到 最 惨 吧 。

友 情 万 岁 !

regard: sean!

u dunno chinese ler?
dun wan let u read arrr
blek blek blek....
we talk about ur bad thing ar..
blek blek blek....

Hon Mun said...

You always here to chat,
Do not know that I have not said that the Huaihua.
Really only have 35 days Mie »
Much less sauce Mie »
What happens after all of us both,
Treasure is now the most important thing.
We still live in the best GENTING KELANG.
In the air by drinking tea, look at the show, Changxia K, CLUB under BING.
In the air to a REDANG TRIP, and then a 831.
Or in the same sauce happy!

Stresses that such stresses, I would like to end the school day, I Huiku to the most miserable bar.

Long live the friendship!

vertexdesign said...

honmun geng wor, u know read chinese and translate to geibo dylan, what websites u using ar ?? haha ^^ not bad not bad

Dragon said...

Ya lor , we must Treasure now wat we have . hope can gather dun always ffk !! haha !!

Mr. D :
Although i write in english , u also dun read d lor , u no read our blog d . so bad !!!

winNie said...

5th duck's translation skill very good! but for sure not he do de, hahah!!!
treasure the time n memory u ducks giving me, i know we no longer duckies, but i hope it can last as long as we can, love u ducks~