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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pulau Redang 11-13/06/2008

计划了2年,我们的计划终于实现也完成了。我们的3天2夜的乐浪岛终于完了,在这三天里我们又玩,又吃,又受伤。。哈哈!!! 10/6 晚上十点,我们从Putra Station 坐巴士去丁加奴的车站,八个小时的车程,非常的累!!在巴士里我们都很兴奋,没办法入睡,还在巴士上有说有笑,都不怕给人吗!!!哈哈!!!到了11/6早上5 点我们终于到了丁加奴的车站了,好幸苦!!坐到屁股都痛,哈哈!!!过后我们在等巴士去码头前,我们在那里吃了我们的早餐!!

Finally our plan are successful ,our 3 day 2 nite Redang trip are start from 11 JUN . In this 3 days ,we are Playing ,snorkeling ,eating ,and also bruise ,haha!!!! 10 JUN ,10pm ,We take the bus went to Terengganu bus station , This journey need to take 8 hours in the bus , is veli tire , but the way , we feel veli happy till cannot sleep . Finally at 11 JUN , 5am , we reach the Terengganu bus station . Be4 we go to Jetty , we taked breakfast at the bus station !!!


Then we also go to eat the famous food “small bread” but when we ask the boss , izit the bread are famous in there , he also laugh , so we dunnoe it really nice or not . This bread are special , veli small ,1 mouth can finish eat !!!


And then we go to jetty and prepare go to Pulau Redang !! Happy !!!!

第一天,我们吃过午餐我们就要出发去浮潜了。。去看美丽的鱼,珊瑚!!在这浮潜当中我们都喝了很多海水,好咸!!!但是那里真的很美丽,看到那些鱼在你身边游来游去!! 准备好要出发咯!!!

1st day , after take lunch we go to snorkeling . When the snorkeling we drink a lot of water , wah !!!so salty , but there are veli beauty , can see the finish beside you .....
第二天,12/6 我们整天都出海,我们还跳海,第一次跳水的感觉还不赖。。但还是喝了很多海水。。这天的浮潜,他们带我们去深海看珊瑚,和鱼,但是很多珊瑚都死了,所以有点可惜!!我们七人,都在海里拍照留念。。。海水真的很清!!看看以下的照片吧!!

2nd day , whole day we go snorkeling , we also jump from the boat , at the sea , we take many pictures . Coral are not so beauty becoz all are died oledy , haiz!!!!!see the pictures i showing , izit veli nice ???


If got chance , i wan go Pulau Redang again !!! and now i show the beach pictures to u all !!!

Sean ,Dylan ,Jaykin ,Annie ,Shu Yit ,XIn Yin 因为有你们,我们的旅行才能实行,因为有你们我才玩得这么开心。让我有个么好地回忆,谢谢你们!!最后让我放些我们的大合照!!记得我们的831约定!!希望大家都能出席!!!

Sean , Dylan , Jaykin , Annie , Shu Yit , Xin Yin , becoz of u all we can success the trip , becoz u all , i just can play so happy , and let me haf a good memory .. thx u all !!! at the last i put some happy special pictures to u all !! and u all must remember our promise 831 !! hope u all can attend !!


Remember wor !!!!!831 !!
wan to c more Redang pictures , go to http://profiles.friendster.com/dragon5061 !!


Hon Mun said...

yeahoo! blog updated!

vertexdesign said...

i also wan to thx u all ,i am very very happy becos of u all , thx too.... hope 831 can be success, yeah ~

Dora said...
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Dora said...

想问你是用防水digital camera拍的吗?