easy way to earn money

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


13/12/2008-我姐的终生大事.......当天,7.45am新郎哥就到了,我们都还没准备好,让我们措手不及,haha.......最后弄到新郎哥要在车上等。。。。然后由我这位小舅子来开车门,然后当然是被新娘的姐妹玩弄咯.......新郎被逼喝上酸甜苦辣的水来过关。。。。可怜!!!之后还要用脚在冰桶里夹锁匙来开门,最后当然顺利接到新娘咯!!!祝姐姐,姐夫 白头偕老,新婚愉快!!!话不多说,分享照片!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

wedding party

after 1 week lor , and i also edit the video for my sister , and this is d video ... take a look :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Wedding Party

Yeah, my sister wedding party are run on 29/11 , SO Happy it , wahaha.....dunnoe wan to write wat.....just share some pic .... wan thx for my fren for coming let the enviroment more syok....haha!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


乞丐囝仔-----前言 (part 2)

父親生在台中烏日鄉一個十分窮苦的小村落前竹村,祖父母都是替人耕田的 佃農。父親四歲那年,我的祖父便因病過世,由奶奶獨力撫養三個小孩(包括我父 親、伯父和姑姑)。在那個時代,一個守寡的女人生活畢竟不易,況且還要養育三 個小孩,於是他們常常過著三餐不繼的日子,不時還遭受人家的欺侮,因此過了三 個年頭,奶奶就改嫁到大雅鄉了。而沒有隨著奶奶嫁過去的伯父、姑姑和我父親便 在烏日鄉靠著牽牛、幫傭、畜牧自立謀生。父親十七歲那年,奶奶也過世了,世上 除了兄姐再沒有親人。可是命運並沒有就此放過他,兩年後,他的眼睛突然發病, 而當時伯父和姑姑已經各自結婚成家,家境也都很困苦,誰也沒辦法去照顧到這個 弟弟,再加上醫藥又不發F,父親的雙眼竟然就這樣瞎了。怪的是,十幾年後,伯 父和姑姑也都相繼全盲,這是因為傳說中祖墳的風水不好?還是有其他遺傳性的疾 病?誰也無法探究。總之,父親二十二歲那年瞎了雙眼,從此他便開始四處流浪的 生涯,靠著替人算命、按摩、掙錢養活自己。由於生意不好,大多數的時候,他都 在菜市場或夜市口,彈著月琴向人乞討。就這樣,一根柺杖、一個破碗,再加上一 把月琴,父親以天地為家,走到哪裡睡到哪裡。父親心裡想些什麼,我從不明白, 或許行乞流浪的日子對於雙眼全瞎的他,也有某種滿足吧! 四處流浪到了三十七歲,有一日父親走著走著來到彰化二林鎮元斗里砸瑤過溝這 地方,在一處樹蔭底下正想歇歇腿休息,才剛坐下,便聽到一旁有人呻吟的聲音。 父親雖然看不見,但是一聽,知道是一個年輕女孩,女孩的聲音聽來十分痛苦,父 親心想:莫非她是生病了?他摸索著上前,想問問女孩怎麼回事,可是女孩卻絲毫 不予理會。父親問不出結果,而在那個狀況下,他又不能丟下女孩不管,只好坐在 地上陪著她。 不知坐了多久,剛好有村人走過,看到女孩倒地呻吟,長長的嘆了一口氣。村人 告訴父親,「說來真正可憐,這女孩的家在員林,但是家境不好,一出生就送給了 二林鎮元斗里的曾家當養女。更可憐的是,曾家發現她天生便是個癡呆、又患有羊 癲風,別說醫藥費,她的養父母就連管也管不了她哩,乾脆就放任她四處遊蕩自生 自滅,也不管她吃、也不管她住,反正女孩餓了便抓蟲、草果腹,累了便倒地就睡 ,病了也就只能像這麼痛苦呻吟了。」村人說著嘆了一口氣,搖著頭離去。 父親心想:同是天涯淪落人啊!他沒有父母,而女孩也被養父母拋棄,世界上的 可憐人怎麼這麼多呢?自己雖然瞎了,但至少四肢健全,還能行乞,雖然常挨餓, 總是一息尚存;可是,今天他若狠心離去,也不知這可憐的女孩還能不能活到明天 ?這樣想著,父親便決定要將女孩帶回烏日鄉前竹村治 病。 就這樣他們做了夫妻。 在那個年代,也沒有所謂什麼「婚禮」,兩個人「鬥陣」就是夫妻了。這個重度 癡呆的女孩就是我的母親。父親日後提起這段往事時,常常說母親是被他「撿」回 來的,這樣說或許也沒錯,那一年父親三十七歲,母親十八歲,兩個人相差了十九 歲,真的像撿到了一個小孩。 俗語說:「龍交龍,鳳交鳳,隱龜交憨戇(駝背的人交癡呆的人)。」不知道該 說這是上天善意的安排?還是祂惡意的捉弄?

Saturday, November 8, 2008


从今天开始,我会时不时post 《乞丐囝仔〉〉给你们开,这是一本激励人生的故事,慢慢的享受吧!!

01. 乞丐囝仔-----前言
民國八十八年十二月二十二日,我站在十大傑出青年頒獎典禮的舞台上,當我的 雙手握著主辦單位頒發的金手獎獎座,做了一場長達四十分鐘的演講後,現場立即 響起了熱烈的掌聲,長官們甚至起身為我鼓掌。就在那一刻,母親和大弟就坐在來 賓席上,我看著台下的他們,突然往事翻湧心頭,想到自己和家人一路艱辛走來, 眼 淚再也忍不住掉了下來。
 這已經不是我第一次得到獎狀或獎牌了。從小到大,我得過上百張的獎狀,這是 『歹命』的孩子力爭上游所能得到的最好的鼓勵,我也衷心感謝所有曾經鼓勵、幫 助過我的人。回望過去,這四十年來的一切,就如一幕一幕的電影在我的腦海裡快 速閃過;但我的四十年,就像一般人的八十年那麼漫長,每一步都帶著心酸與悲傷 ,每一步都像是在粗石礫的道路上淌著血匍匐前進。  還好我沒有倒下,還好我堅持到了今天,還好我不會放棄過人生。  我,賴東進,民國四十八年三月二十日出生,父親是個乞丐,母親患有重度心智障礙。
 『我的家庭真可愛,整潔美滿又安康...』當別的小朋友快樂的唱著這首歌時 ,我內心的感受卻是:『我的家庭真奇怪』。沒錯!正如當年岳父阻止妻子嫁給我 的時候,不是也曾經對妻子說過:『你要嫁給他?...那是一個全世界最不幸的 家庭!』我能說什麼?我的家庭的確如此,父親不但是個乞丐,而且還是個瞎眼的 乞丐,母親則是重度的智障加上精神異常,在醫生的診斷書上,她的智商只有五十 八。
 這是我的成長故事,也是我們全家人互相扶持一路走來的真實血淚記載,我選擇 在今天把它成書,為的是紀念這樣的一段歲月。


Monday, November 3, 2008

Start Shooting for FYP

After planing a few week , we start for shooting ...... veli tire wor .......but veli happy ,keke , thx Picolo Restaurant , borrow the piano for us shooting , and thx Vic to becum our talent , thx !!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jason : I treat u as Br0 , but .....

as the topic write , yesterday my fren tell me sumthing

Jason: i treat u ask br0,but i think u treat Dickson as br0.......

after i listen it , i dunnoe how to reply.......haiz...sorry!!

Jason treat me as br0,but me treat Dickson as br0 , then he treat Jeremy as bro,how come becum like this ?? so complicated .....haiz !!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


TDTONE 的公司背景:
TDTone 为 Otelo Telecommunication 所推出最新的来电互惠互利配套。此配套犹如 italk, 能附加于国内任何手机台, 如 012, 016, 019, 018. 不管是 postpaid 或 prepaid, 一律可用。
TDtone 无需membership fees. 只需要第一次 reload RM50 就成为会员(RM50全都可以拿来打,一分都不少)。 我们可以在任何 7-11, Shell, BHP 油站买到 TDTONE Molepoint 的reload 固本, 非常方便。

由于当我们第一次 reload 时, 需要填写介绍人的名。所以我们一 reload (变成会员),就会有自己的 member ID 和 密码。这时候我们可以上网查看自己的资料:

TDTONE 的赚钱大方法:
Stage 1: 打不完的电话钱
找到的每个直属下线 (direct downline): RM25 通话回酬 talktime credit

如果我们一个星期找到8 个朋友一起加入的话, RM25 X 8= RM200
可是一个礼拜要RM200 这么多 Credit 来做么? 将多钱又打不完? TDTONE 就很懂这点, 所以一个礼拜不管大家拉到多少个人, 只要超过两个, 就马上帮我们加额 RM40, 剩下的RM160, 直接进入我们的银行, 变成现钱!!!
也就是说如果一个星期有十个人。 RM25X 10 = RM250。公司帮我们 reload RM40, 我们就有 RM40+ 之前第一次加入的RM50= RM90 打,还有 RM250- 40 =RM210 的现钱进银行。一箭双雕!~
但是如果说我们一个星期只找到一个人。 Ei, 不用怕, RM25 公司不会动,就累计到下个礼拜。

Stage 2: 不用找人更多钱
除了 credit, TDTONE 另外一个更好的咚咚是分红 (commission)
Commission % 依层次是
Level 1 5%
Level 2 5%
Level 3 12%
Level 4 12%
Level 5 2%
Level 6 1%
Level 7 1%
Level 8 1%
我们刚才找的 8 个人已经是 level 1, 不用怕。而level 1 到 level 8 又怎样让我们赚钱呢?请看下图:

哇,超容易。 只要make sure 我们的朋友又在找人,(他们一定找啦, 谁不要RM25 free credit 哦。),到第四代我们就有一个礼拜 RM19,000 的收入。尼没有看错,是 19千,一辆 二手kancil 的钱。
Eh.. 慢着。人不是个个都一样。可能我们运气不好, 找到 8 个人只有 4个人会坐事。将怎样好? 别急, 看下图:

evel 2 (5%) : 只有4个人做工。每个人找 8 个人。 4X8= 32

32 people. 32 X RM2 commission = RM64/星期

Level 3 (12%)
32 个人找 8 个人. 32X 8= 256
256 X RM4.8commision= RM1228.8

Level 4 (12%)
256 个人 找 8 ppl. 256X8= 2048
2048 X RM4.8= RM9830


Monday, October 6, 2008

Hatyai trip 1/10-4/10

Last week (Hari Raya) me and family went to Thailand for 4 days 3 nites trip !!! Go there for visit temple , c the show and shopping !!!
there have many temple , and also gt many show , except this thing there also popular Urut .....there have a Pasar are selling shirt and many thing , so cheaper for all the goods .....
Heineken at there also cheaper , 1 bottle just RM6.50 .......gege !!!

Hatyai bus station !!!!
Bird's net , so nice and cheap .....just RM 20

Ah gua show , is funny ......haha !!!

Go temple must go bai bai !!!!Sea-maid cum alive

All "shan xin" cum out lor!!!!

Sakit betul , when Urut kaki Just RM 20

we are seat in the Du Du car !!!! Each people just RM1.50

Act stil gt see tiger show , becoz cannot take pic , so cannot show it .......but i gt record some part of Ah gua show , enjoy it lar !!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our Gang !!!

this few days veli boring at home , nothing can do , just write this blog !!!think it bek our 5 peoples,me ,Dylan ,Jaykin , Mun and Sean .... dunnoe how to becum a gang , dunnoe wat thing let us so close , always eat 2gether , play 2gether .... we always go XYZ restaurant eat lunch and go MCD for discuss assignment .......cum to my house for discuss and do assignment , tat time we so happy ......but now , XYZ Restaurant change to "Xiao Dong Fang" .......then we seldom go oledy ........the time will always change , XYZ also change jor , people also will change it,hope our Gang wun change .......... show some our gang pictures , hehe !!!

Dylan- thx for fetch me go Monkiara for interview and "long gai"
Mun - Thx for always fetch me go bek home
jaykin- thx for teach me many design skill
Sean- thx for gif us assignment more creative

Last assignment we done 2gether !!!

Some pictures we take 2gether , hope all the memories wun clear it .... keep it !!!

Take Care !!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

At hometown !!!

2nd at hometown , nothing to do , just watch mov on9 , eat ........2day my KL fren all go play badminton , play whole day , c my fren's blog let me jealous , haiz !!!! 2molo they go sing K again , so syok !!! but i canot join them....... then they have a plan 29/9-30/9 go Kukup for enjoy and relax , and i think i cannot join u all jor .... hope u all enjoy the trip !!!! but anywhere , at hometown can save $$ , haha !!! hope u all enjoy whole holiday !! take care , keep in touch !!

Friday, September 19, 2008

PD trip 17/9-18/9 ( 1st day )

Yeah , finlay our PD trip successfully lor......We 6 peoples (me,Dylan,Mun,Jaykin,Winnie and Sean ) 17/9 morning went to PD ,to start our trip .......we separate 2 cars , me, Dylan and mun 1 car and Jaykin,Winnie and Sean 1 car . be4 checkin we go to Ah Cui Bak kut Teh ate our lunch !!

This is Ah Cui Bah Kut Teh , have dry and soup d !!!

After enjoy the lunch , we went to checkin , the room and the view so nice !!! After we went to swimming pool swimming .... after that we went to play banana boat , this is my 1st time play the banana boat , have scare but enjoy , haha !!!! This is the room and the view !!

Ancasa Swimming Pool

After enjoy the swimming , we take a rest and take shower , at tat time , i c 2 depress man ,Dylan and Hemsem ......

Except that , our resort also is a nice view to c the sunset .....

After all take the shower , we went to town to enjoy our dinner !!!

then , we went to play pool !!!

Then we back to room continue our game , we play " Game of life" so shock .....haha .....after that must play card and drink carlsberg ......

Be4 end for the 1st day trip , let me share some funny pic !!!

Thx for mun take the pic let us get a good memories , next post will write d next day trip !!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

After ExaM !! EnJoY........

Finaly i got time to update my blog oledy........
yesterday is our AmLer last paper in TAR College ,
Damn happy no exam anymore jor , haha .......
After exam , we S*h**Gang ( Dylan , Mun , Fish,Steve,Jacob,Jaykin,Kelferd,Darren,Kim,Sum,Digi,Joshua,Tommy)
go to playing War Games.....Pang !!! Pang !!!!

Our Planer Dylan , he plan this game for long time oledy !!! finaly can success jor !!!!

We are listening the breifing for the war game !!!

Be4 start the game , let us take a group picture !!!

Ping!!!Ping !!!!! Pang !!!! Pang!!!! After the war game , got many victim injure ......but we are happy for it , tat mean we got play the game !!! Haha !!!! Here is the 3 victims pictures !!!

Very cham for it , but happy !!!!!

After the game we stil got take a group picture , but this time Ah Sum not inside the picture , becoz he becum d camera man !!!!

All show out the body , whose body is nice ???

After that we go TBR take dinner ......then we continue our plan , go MU (Steve's House) swimming , So shock all Ma Lat Lou at there play ball , swimming , Kacau-kacau !!!!and also got Kam loi lor , haha !!!!!

After Swimming , we go Yam cha , but this time no more ppl join , all damn tire and go bek home Jor !!!

Tis is a good memory for us , after MUD we more close , after BBQ , Bak Kut Teh , we more and more good , after group study we more and more and more good ,haha !!! hope we stil got time to go out play 2gether !!!! Keep In touch !!!!